Histórica condena por racismo en fútbol español: Vinícius Jr. celebra justicia

Historic Sentence for Racism in Spanish Football: Vinícius Jr. Celebrates Justice

Unprecedented Conviction for Racism in Spanish Football

Historic Sentence

Three Valencia fans were sentenced to eight months in prison for racist insults directed at Vinícius Jr., Real Madrid player. This ruling, announced on Monday, marks a milestone in the fight against racism in Spanish football, being the first time a prison sentence has been issued for such an offense in this context.

Incident Context

The incident occurred on May 21, 2023, when Vinícius Jr. was met with racist chants upon arriving at Valencia’s stadium. During the match, the insults continued, prompting immediate action from authorities. With the club’s cooperation, police identified and detained the three young men responsible, who later admitted their guilt.


Legal Implications

In addition to the prison sentence, the three fans, aged between 18 and 21, face a ban from attending La Liga and Spanish national team matches for two years. Although they will not serve jail time due to the regulation allowing suspension of sentences less than two years, they are required to cover the trial’s legal costs.

Reactions to the Ruling

Vinícius Jr. Celebrates the Verdict

The Brazilian forward expressed his satisfaction on social media, dedicating the verdict “to all Black people” and emphasizing that this ruling sends a powerful message to racists. “Let other racists be afraid, ashamed, and hide in the shadows. Otherwise, I will be here to collect,” Vinícius declared.

Institutional Support

Real Madrid and La Liga also celebrated the judicial decision. The Madrid club congratulated the judicial system and highlighted the public apology letter issued by the Valencia fans. Meanwhile, Javier Tebas, president of La Liga, stated that this sentence demonstrates a firm commitment to the fight against racism.

Consequences for Valencia CF

Sporting and Economic Sanctions

The Spanish football disciplinary committee sanctioned Valencia CF with a partial stadium closure for five matches and a €45,000 fine. Additionally, the red card shown to Vinícius Jr. at the end of the match was annulled, recognizing the injustice against him.

A Step Towards Eradicating Racism

Impact and Debate

This sentence has reignited the debate on racism in Spanish stadiums, a persistent issue for decades. The conviction has received widespread international support and is considered a crucial advance towards eradicating intolerance in sports.

Future of Spanish Football

Vinícius Jr., a symbol of the fight against racism in football, has faced racist insults multiple times. This historic conviction is seen as a decisive step towards justice and the elimination of intolerance in sports, sending a clear message that racism will not be tolerated in Spanish football.


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