documentos comprometedores Manchester City Fair Play Financiero

Football Leaks threatens Manchester City with compromising documents

Manchester City under threat from Football Leaks

Manchester City faces a new threat following accusations of breaching Financial Fair Play rules. Hacker Rui Pinto, creator of the Football Leaks website, has announced his intention to publish documents and emails that could further compromise the English club.

Context of the Accusations

Manchester City was formally accused by the Premier League of breaching Financial Fair Play rules over a nine-year period from 2009 to 2018. The list of charges includes 115 allegations, with 54 related to the failure to provide accurate financial information. Additional charges involve omissions in reports on player and coach compensations, non-compliance with UEFA regulations, and lack of cooperation in investigations since 2018.

Revelations by Rui Pinto

Known activist and hacker Rui Pinto threatens to release emails and documents proving Manchester City’s infractions. Pinto gained access to thousands of the club’s emails in 2018, and while some were leaked to the media, he claims that most documents remain unpublished.

Among the previously leaked information are details of former coach Roberto Mancini’s contract, image rights agreements involving Yaya Touré’s agents, and various emails regarding sponsorship income. Pinto states that the new documents he plans to unveil “are of penal relevance.”

Manchester City’s Response

In response to these threats, Manchester City has taken unprecedented legal action against the Premier League. According to ‘The Times’, the club is prepared to aggressively defend against what they consider unfounded accusations. The trial is scheduled for November and could span six weeks, with a verdict expected in 2025.

Potential Impact on the Club

The threat of new leaks puts key figures at Manchester City, including CEO Ferran Soriano, chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak, coach Pep Guardiola, and sporting director Txiki Begiristain, in a precarious position. Potential revelations could have significant repercussions both in sporting and financial realms.

With the imminent trial and the threat of new leaks, the club must prepare for a period of intense scrutiny and oversight. The publication of these documents could not only affect their reputation but also their future operations and their standing in European competitions.


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